Saturday, June 26, 2010

26 June 2010: 手巻きの卵デラックス「Hand-roll Egg Deluxe」

While I watch the episode of Yukan Club where the 'Swedish' playboy narcissist gets haunted by a ghost I thought up yet another random dish. 手巻きの卵デラックス。でし。「tamago no derakkusu. deshi.」

So while I battle with insomnia caused by the effective reversal of my sleepinqag schedule. I shall wine, dine and watch bad drama (it's amazing that Yukan club for 12.63% rating in average. While not great it's still amazing that more than 10% of the Japanese population watched this. Bets on how many Akanishi Jin fans there were?)

And here we have my Hand-roll Egg Deluxe

With 'tako wiener'. I seem to have become addicted to cheap cocktail sauces cut into this shape. They're quite cute ... I think ...

And inner view. The egg's were a little too soft and easy to tear but the taste was perfect. Made by stirring rather than beating the egg there are two layers making the eggs very light and crepe-like in texture.

Fillings were furikake, nori, rice, cocktail weiner, middle bacon, hash browns and mayonnaise. There was a problem of adhesion of the nori to the egg but that's put the order wrong. Again.

But going back to Yukan Club, the people there are REALLY average. I'm sorry Akanishi fans but if anything Kamenashi is hotter and I'm not even a fan. Minami and Kashii Yu are pretty but the hair style Kashii Yu has doesn't suit her and while Minami's character is endearingly cute (she eats ... alot and thinks about nothing about food)

Either way a super average drama which I have no idea why I'm watching it at 3.11am.

Oh and its FREAKING cold tonight/this early morning.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

23 June 2010: Random porridge

Since my flatmate is sick and can't move I decided to make easy to eat but nutritious porridge with leftover rice I had. Basically it's throw everything I have in the fridge that seems nutritious. So much for doing papers on food and nutrition.

I don't really have much at home since I buy as I need but tonights ingredients included: bacon, french beans, egg, garlic, rice, water, basil and thyme. Yes I put basil and thyme in. It ended up tasting strange but delicious so nothing much lost I suppose.

11.23pm: Well it would seem my metabolism has increased lately for some reason or other (well I don't seem to be putting on any weight ...) I made a 'midnight snack'. A deliciously fatty and unhealthy midnight snack.

A slightly burnt sandwich with bacon, egg, mayonnaise, ketchup, cheese, soya linseed bread and sausages. I shudder to think how many calories are in this thing but I don't count calories so it doesn't matter. Needless to say nothing tastes better late at night compared to something fatty.

23 June 2010: Let's see how this goes.

Alright, because I have decided I need something to focus on in life as I continue to spiral into ダメ人間 (dame ningen. lit. bad/useless/etc. person, depends on the situation) mode, I want to see if I can't get back into something I loved doing before anime, manga and cosplay came along.

While I love these things to bits its probably eating up too much of my consciousness at the moment. So a re-focus is needed. This time onto an old favourite of mine which was rekindled purely on need rather than love.

Frankly I love to cook. It's relaxing, amusing and I get to eat. I have HORRIBLE sleeping and eating habits this year. Like getting addicted to rice at 2am in the morning. Or cooking baked stew at 12am. It really hasn't changed all that much. I'm still hankering shio-konbu onigiri at 3am when I pull an all-nighter and at least its healthier and cheaper than junk food.

So the goal of this blog is to keep track of what I eat for dinner. Not for dieting or reflecting purposes but more for having something to focus on and see through. I am terrible at such things . Brilliant at starting things but follow-ups and follow-through are not my strong points.

While I don't expect too many viewers or comments or anything of the such I hope my meaningless prattle might be of amusement to whoever reads this space.

Alright to get the ball rolling.

Tonight or rather last night I tried making Carbonara Fettucine. The recipe itself is rather simple but pulling it off right is difficult. This is why I don't like ceramic or electric stoves. It's difficult for me to control the heat with precision.

While it is a common assumption that carbonara pasta is made with a cream base it is in fact incorrect as I learnt 4 years after working in a pseudo Italian pizzeria (It was opened by an Italian named Bruno but my boss who bought the business was Scottish, I suspect he was gay and the chef was from Palmerston North. It's not there anymore but that's a different story.)

Either way I still think its better if you beat eggs with chopsticks instead of a fork, it has a nicer texture with less bubbles.

Anyways here is the fruits of my 'labour'. Not very appetizing right. This was a complete failure.

I got the order wrong and put the egg in before the pasta water so it scrambled and I ended up with no sauce. But never fear mayonnaise can make everything taste good (as said by Hijikata Toushiro). But that's because all I can taste is mayonnaise [laugh].

However reducing the bacon down as much as possible helped with the flavour as well as the extra pepper. A super average meal was made and eaten. So begins my attempts to keep this together.
